Monday, February 17, 2014

kind of an advertisement

If you don't have this CD, you should. I am ashamed to say that it was just this morning I peeled off the plastic and popped it in my player. What a blessing it has been to my spirit! The numbers they chose to include on this recording focus on the Lord's wonderful mercy and grace. His mercies are new every morning! I am happy I'm starting my day with this God-honoring music.

I know the Herbsters are not self-promoting or performance-focused at all, so I will brag on them just a little. ;) When they came through our church several months ago, I was so refreshed by their ministry! Their testimony, music style, and heartfelt messages showed exactly where their priorities were. Not only was their music excellently prepared and executed, but it was also chosen from clean sources and the words were rich in doctrine. This kind of evangelistic team is swiftly departing! 

So I guess I said all that to say, if you go to their store and make a purchase or two, know that you will soon have in your hands music that honors God, from people who are sold out to do His calling. It doesn't get any better than that. :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

A healthy, wholesome giveaway!

Hey y'all. I entered this giveaway by a girl I found through a mutual friend. She started her business recently, and since I love supporting small businesses, let alone alternative medicine, I'd appreciate it if you visited her site! 

$3 worth of God {wow}

I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.
Not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep,
but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk
or a snooze in the sunshine.
I don’t want enough of God to make me love a black man
or pick beets with a migrant.
I want ecstasy, not transformation.
I want the warmth of the womb, not a new birth.
I want a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack.
I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please.
— Wilbur Rees