Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just a Thought

Today God impressed upon me how much He delights in giving His children strength.

I have been rather overwhelmed with life lately: college, my best friends' leaving, figuring out how exactly to teach violin, etc. Makes me crazy. I struggle to surrender things to God in prayer, and embrace the peace that passes all understanding. I was completely exhausted last night. Very tired and emotional. I cried. A lot. I was very discouraged about multiple things and felt I couldn't handle it at all. Of course, thinking over big-deal issues at midnight is not the wisest thing to do. ;)

Anyway, this morning God gave me total energy to "seize the day," if you will. I felt rested and calm. I listened to an entire CD of sacred string/piano arrangements during the drive there - focusing on the words of the hymns. While I waited in the lobby before class, I listened to some Soundforth numbers about God's peace and protection. Both classes whooshed by, and soon I was on my way home. I listened to a Christmas cantata this time. I tried to sing along even if I didn't know the words. Found out pretty quick I can hardly drive and sing at the same time!! ;D (I'm just challenged. That's all there is to it.) Anyway, I list all the music I listened to to say that Christian music has power to affect the way you are viewing things and thinking about God. It gave me a great peace today to sing songs that magnify God's character and stability and omnipotence.

Today is a gorgeous day. Cool, sunny, breezy even. God has given it to me. I have WAY more than I ever deserved. I can be sure that God will never leave me, and His strength is made perfect {complete} in weakness. How I should thank Him again and again for that!! :)

Well, I know this probably was not worded exactly clearly. I'm rushing out to teach two violin lessons now. I just wanted to share this testimony today. "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Thankful to God for His joy! :)

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